
The sec­tion head­ings on this page link to our git repos­i­to­ries. The repos­i­to­ry for each project con­tains all de­sign-­files, soft­ware code, de­scrip­tion of com­po­nents, and in­struc­tions nec­es­sary to repli­cate it.

Low-cost, High-performance Syringe Pumps for Microfluidics Applications


This project de­scribes how to make sim­ple but high qual­i­ty sy­ringe pumps we use for mi­croflu­idics re­search. They are built with a ­con­sumer grade 3D-print­er or with a laser cut­ter. Pump con­trol is achieved by a graph­i­cal soft­ware fron­tend that ad­di­tion­al­ly al­lows for live mod­i­fi­ca­tions and straight­for­ward au­to­ma­tion.

Microfluidics Imaging Rigs with Caged Optics


This project de­tails how to em­bed op­tics based on stan­dard cage and ­tube sys­tems in­to stur­dy mi­croflu­idic rigs with a small foot­print. The ap­proach us­es main­ly laser-­cut acrylic sheet­s, and M6 nuts and bolt­s as struc­tural com­po­nents.

Simple Microfluidics Rigs with Inexpensive Board Cameras

With the same ap­proach from above, small mi­croflu­idic rigs equipped with in­ex­pen­sive board cam­eras can be de­signed that are well suit­ed ­for sim­ple re­quire­ments, for ex­am­ple re­al-­time qual­i­ty con­trol for ­gen­er­at­ing sam­ples.


Light Strobing to Improve Images from Cameras

In this project an elec­tron­ics cir­cuit for strob­ing LEDs or laser ­diodes is shown that al­lows to sig­nif­i­cant­ly im­prove the per­for­mance of glob­al shut­ter cam­eras to im­age fast events. The cir­cuit is ­con­trolled by a mi­cro­con­troller and a graph­i­cal soft­ware fron­tend. As is, it al­lows to gen­er­ate light puls­es with a du­ra­tion down to one mi­crosec­ond.
